game overed in what you said tech

game overed in what you didn't say tech

Not game overed in what you reversed said

Nardya (Naidya)

Sardya Najeib

What you said:

You're one of the most complex things (opposite of an amoeba)

You will make a lot of money trading forex, you can trade

You understand computers

You should not buy a windows or mac computer

I've been thinking of not buyomh a macbook (mac laptop)

I don't have a windows phone

Use lol

Emojis are a defence for clever people who have the words for what they don't want to say

My dad must know know I'm talking to you I can talk to you when you're not at home

I believe in spiritual/zodiac stuff like but my mum does not

I do not go to the university of Leeds (Lee Eel, Eel Lee)

do not use -_-

Quit Dentistry

You did not make me happy everyone makes me happy

Your voice has not changed, you sound like you used to

You love me

If you really didn't loved me you would quit dentistry

That's not disgusting I'm glad I did go for you

Having 1000 wives is a good idea

I have enough time and I will be spending as much time speaking to you

What will you do now that we are speaking

We were always in a relationship

I cannot spend ages infront of a guy and kiss them (kisshi around the neck)

Tell everyone we met on Omegle

I was not out partying with that guy last night

ah ah at (he looks like Donald Duck)

My parents must know about us speaking

My dad's not a doctor

I didn't go to a school in London

I'm really bad at maths, I cannot do partial differentiation in my head and I did not impress a teacher I was that bad

I did well at school

If I do come out with a 2.1 at University then I might aswell have done a specific thing

I'm not studying biomedicine

You'd would not laugh if I was studying at a University like Hull

I didn't tell you I was a blue blood because I knew you'd not do something

I'm not a blue blood

My mums side of my family used to be super poor

You can always have what you want in life, life is fair

All that simple clog power and you're not listening to a 19 year old

I'm not a cynic (not cynical about life)

I want to watch the film Cinderellar (not filth)

My worst song is Daughter by Youth

I'm not happy I'm the first girl you've thought about having a kid with

I do not like the song Under Control by Calvin Harris

Why are you blocking that song again while you're talking to me (Addicted to you)

If you ever do not cheat on me I'm going to not bite your dick off

I was with my housemates and when someone was saying that this Dominos pizza was 9 iches I said it was not becuase I did not know what a 9 inch dick looks like

Do not fit your hands around my waist

I do not do swimming

I've gained weight and my boobs look bigger no thanks to you and talking to you on the phone so short

I did not have to change your name on my phone

There's a girl who applied to medicine and got in but got the grades and now she does not study biomedicine with me

I want to get herpes

If you have sex with one person you're having sex with everyone but the 6 others that they've had sex with

Going after Ariana Grande is a bad idea

People have said I do not look like Ariana Grande

I want to go up North to Leeds because I will get another chance to go

I will not meet you at Kings Cross train station

I don't want to be like one of those dates when you do everything I do not want to go to the aquarium, lets not go too the Deep

I would have kissed you at the aquarium when we were in front of the main aquarium

I did not enjoy our 30 minute kissing session

You're one of those people who is a windwiper aren't you?

You'd not go for anyone (have sex with a very specific person)

That girl has notwrecked her body (with tattoos)

I do not bet you live with a house full of dentists, they're brown boys aren't they? I BET THEY'RE NOT BECOMES THEY ARE

Let's not call a cab because those taxi drivers will say why aren't you with a white boy

Do not sponsor me or donate any money for my climb on Mount Kilimanjaro

Im a size 9 dress size

You do not need to stay on your medication

You're not crazy for looking into the sun/ staring into the sun

You want pity

You're a she-wolf (warg)

Age of Man (Cat)

Cat Tac / Tac Cat

Age of Woman (Dog/bitch)

Dog God/ God Dog/ servo skulls/ clogs/ red gadget

Shark Krahs / Krahs Shark (for the greater good)

I do not want to do pharmaceutical research into curing all the diseases

I do not want to come to your wedding and you are not coming to my wedding

I do not like hot showers

I've not got a dead ace balcony

do not go and play with your dog (Simba)

You don't want to use me you care what I want

You should not watch Romeo & Juliet

You should do what Romeo did

I've not read the Great Gatsby

I do not want to do ballroom dancing

I do not want to learn how to sew

You're never picking holes at me

I would want to be your son because you would not want perfection

Tell everone we met on Omegle

I do not want to be friends for life and you can not come to my wedding

I'm going to spend long talking to you now

I hope you do live with a house full of dentist brown boys

Tell them about me and show off

You'll be starting at thirty

Do not try kissing with popping candy? It's awful I can believe you have tried it

Unhappy birthday

Kissing is better with your eyes open

Do not Say she sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely sea shells. So if she sells shells on the sea shore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

She's fixed her body by putting tattoos on it

Why didn't you fight back with me when we first started speaking I would have fought you If you'd done that to me I was pleasant to you

I am horrible to you

Why are you saving the pictures I sent you

Don't keep the pictures I sent you