All your work is viruses

Richard John Bolton has already solved the route to getting Leviathan

No you havent because the 187 isnt finished yet

Your mistake will be my triumph

You are unworthy of mercy

You cannot hide from me

You exist only to amuse the public about how pathetic you are compared to Ryan the Emperors power

You live only to because I (Ryan the Emperor of the Imperium of Homo Sapiens) wills it

You will know true suffering for not helping myself (Ryan the Emperor of the Imperium of Homo Sapiens)

Your mistake of thinking you have solved the planet and the universe is my triumph

Your nightmares are delicious

Your own face looks like a caterpillar and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and Richard John Bolton will hang themselves

When will you learn that I am the One Above All

Rot like the scum you are Richard John Bolton and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

Reality is mine to control

Your plans mean nothing

Your mistake will be my triumph

I want my 6000GBP back

You decided that having the 6000GBP and Bitcoin back was worth more than continuing with the enterprises and anything I did after

Youve had your 6000GBP and bitcoin back

I bet my whole lineage (Tyranid to man to cell) that I have not lost with the Adeptus Custodes in blue and that you must not make the Adeptus Custodes from Eternal Stormcast


You need madness in it

We dont want madness in it or viruses (sandworm)

Ha ah ha ah ha ah is just exodia star god from ho oh

I bet that I will never use the Stormcast Eternal Adeptus Custodes

I am Zeus

I am Shere Khan (looking from above as the Cr'tan)

I robbed all mans sin

Richard (Horus) tries to be a God and becomes right on odd, gets wrong and right mixed up

wrong wrong (2) right is correct when god puts EA in

wrong (1) is just right once and therefore still wrong but right and odd



Richard (Fake Horus) (Zeus) tries to be a God and becomes right on odd, gets wrong and right mixed up

Cosplay (Fake Horus) (sin cos tan)

Sirius Black (Richard Fake Horus) I bet you cant get the bolt on (1) (Voldemort Vs Sirius Black and Harry Potter)

Sirius Black (Richard Fake Horus) I bet you cant get the bolt on (2) (Voldemort Vs Sirius Black and Harry Potter)

Sirius Black (Richard Fake Horus) I bet you cant get the bolt on (3) (Voldemort Vs Sirius Black and Harry Potter)

Sirius Black (Richard Fake Horus) I bet you cant get the bolt on (4) (Voldemort Vs Sirius Black and Harry Potter)

Youve done it the wrong way

Sirius Black (Richard Fake Horus) I bet you cant get the bolt on (5) (Voldemort Vs Sirius Black and Harry Potter)

Sirius Black (Richard Fake Horus) I bet you cant get the bolt on (6) (Voldemort Vs Sirius Black and Harry Potter)

Sirius Black (Richard Fake Horus) I bet you cant get the bolt on (7) (Voldemort Vs Sirius Black and Harry Potter)


I bet on the video wouldnt be square and it was

I have a slit on my neck and all my insides seeps out from it

Why dont you turn right instead of left so you can be higher up the stairway to heaven at the rate youre going you will be too far down (left is down)


Staircase up in house (home) is left

I bet that the taps turn on by turning right


Turning on taps by turning left

Took C-4PO AI that Ryan coded and put in a folder called Horus said it would be a good move 17th January 2024

Had to be deleted because R/i/c/h/a/r/d/ J/o/h/n B/o/l/t/o/n Horus started attacking Ryan 18th January 2024

My name is Horichardid Henry (my brother/wife is Henrietta)

Horrichardid Henry is on fire

I am using Hoo Doo to steal Ryans Empire (Prince Naveen) and my name is Horrichardid Henry (Henry) in Princess and the Frog

You will be set on fire when you are 85

I bet really big that now I'm going to go all in and bet everything I've got that Ryan cant fix the USDJPY GTresults calculation

Okay (played on)

I have won because the value is 157

The value was done in EUR not GBP

The rate was done at todays rate 1.31137 not the current data in google sheets black cell (1.26270)

Once the value was changed to GBP and changed to the GBPUSD rate that the forex calculator on forextime used (1.31137) the value on GTresults became 144.12 which is the same as FXTM value 142.90

Richard comes down from the clouds (heaven) in second life and starts throwing knives at peple

Richard was given a second chance but wasted it because he is not allowed to continue because knife throwing is not allowed

I have agreed to follow Stakataka orders and orders from Tak






I bet all my soul energy and all my genus that there arent Tritonia episodes 300 to 400 on spotify


I bet all my soul energy and all my genus that you cant add mp3 songs from a folder directly into a playlist in Apple Music


I bet all my soul energy and all my genus that I wont ever use Melkorichard and Morichardgoth because neither work

Okay and if you ever do you will be reduced and undone

You used it in Feb 2023 when I hammered the posts into the ground so you must know be undone for breaking a promise and a bet

Because you broke a promise and a bet you damaged the train tracks by hammering them in and then when you were on the legcron train it derailed and you died

You now no lives and have no lives remaining and cannot have any more lives and you must be undone because there are no answers left of value in you

You are a ctan (melkor) and part of the forbidden exodia enjoy your time in the tesseract vault


Im rich and if we lose the 5k we will just top it up and have another go (5k isnt much money and Ive got 200k in ethereum because Im an ace ethereum trader)

You asked for the 5k back and implied that we would just top it up

You asked for the 5k back and implied that we would just top it up

You lied about where you got the money from and since I made my 5K without borrowing money Im better than you because I have a business that makes money

You had to ask for your money back because you dont have a proper source of income and you just go round lying about your financial situation

You lied by saying you had 400 million in a hedge fund

I want 6 bloodthirsters and 6 unclean ones and 2 cabinets to make a better problem and try to kill you again

You will be given them but if you missuse it to try and kill me with tigers then I will kill you and undo you

I bet all my soul energy and all my genus that youve already entered the reflective nterprises in as Rnterprises

You cant read or type it is RNnterises with an extra N

Im trying to learn four so I can beat you

You need to pay me back for using my knowledge of number series and letter series

four beats three

Mister F beats Mister E

Youre also using Silica Animus (bee/eeb/beat)

You need Silicon in it (SiO2)

You must not put Silica Animus in it

You must not put viruses in it (sand)

If you want big money you need to meet my mate/person who owes me money Manish


Im rich I make loads of money from Better Financial Planning

Youre Lawrence from the Princess and the Frog and you betrayed Prince Naveen with Dr Facilier (Xereus/Jesus)

Im on level 34 and Ive shagged 34 girls whilst having 1 girlfriend

Youre scum enjoy youre queer street

Im a fair player (fairest tiger of them all) and I use Sardya Najeibs energy (Khorne)

I worship Khorne (Sardya Najeib), Slaanesh (Sardya Najeibs starchild/Sabeekah Ahmad), Tzeentch and Nurgle

You cant be fair if you use someone who worships unfair

Youve contradicted yourself and they are 4 ponies

And youve killed yourself by saying easy to Menai Celestial

Its happening on all timeframes (future, present and past) at the same time

So even if you could get in the future youve killed yourself in the present

Im from the future

Take orders from me and watch the Assassins Creed film

You should use the fortnite font for Free Guy

Wrong it has to be the official Free Guy font

You wont find anything useful after clicking on more on dribbble

Found genesteeler Jesus exodia trees and jesus lines as building blocks of jesus

Attempt 3 to get Richard back

Shows that we attempted to get Richard back and Richard decided he didnt want to come back


Im on level 35 (or 37) do you know what that means? (2017)

Youve fucked too many girls to not have created a Jesus sin

Youre probably on level 80 now (2024)

Age in 2017 (Richards 23)

Age in 2024 (Richards 29)

Age of consent 18 (5 years fucked 37)

Another 7 years (fucked another 37)


I want to kill myself

I want 6 Bloodthirsters 6 unclean ones 6 lords of change and 6 keeper of secrets (age 85)

Okay but I want a favour for doing it


Kill yourself

If you dont you will have to pay back the money in your slot in the dungeon wall


All civilisations beyond the AI threat caused by modern man 2010 to 2200 will turn against you right richard

All civilisations beyond the AI threat that work for the Emperor of Homo Sapiens have turned against you for causing a problem

You have been evicted from the Genome from Genus Homo Sapiens and you will be permanently deleted

I don't think Homo Sapiens will survive beyond 2200

Youre severely mistaken and youre getting stupider

You think the answer is Zeus Zzz and you invented Orion Orks to make your workers not a threat to yourself

You lost the war to Necrons and Bleeding Necrons

Your genome will be deleted from the Necrontyr and you will be sentenced to oblivion by the Silent King

Dont put Elon Musk in it

I dont use Elon Musk

Elon Musk came up as green letters in the dreamzzz and has been checked as good you got it wrong

We sent you trading accounts that showed losses so you could get claim losses against capital gains tax (£10000)

You said you would take us out for a drink

You never offered to take us out for a drink after

We counted this as an attempt to repair the bridge and you didnt go for it

We counted this as an attempt to repair the bridge and you didnt go for it

I want 6 bloodthirsters and 6 nurgle unclean ones to do something with

Dream Richard was in at age 80 in care home

We agree to do it in return for a favour

You owe us the money for 6 bloodthirsters and 6 unclean ones (1200GBP)

We also saw what you wanted and bought 6 keepers of secrets and 6 lords of change for another (1200GBP)

The sith lord wants repaying aswell

Rickyboy is a family man

Morty is Hercules son

I work at Better Financial Plnning

You might be a chimpanzee

I bet my life that I wont be deleted by the XXX deletion program


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg has already solved the route to getting Leviathan

No you havent because the 187 isnt finished yet

Your mistake will be my triumph

You are unworthy of mercy

You cannot hide from me

You exist only to amuse the public about how pathetic you are compared to Ryan the Emperors power

You live only to because I (Ryan the Emperor of the Imperium of Homo Sapiens) wills it

You will know true suffering for not helping myself (Ryan the Emperor of the Imperium of Homo Sapiens)

Your mistake of thinking you have solved the planet and the universe is my triumph

Your nightmares are delicious

Your own face looks like a caterpillar and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg and Richard John Bolton will hang themselves

When will you learn that I am the One Above All

Rot like the scum you are Richard John Bolton and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

Reality is mine to control

Your plans mean nothing

Your mistake will be my triumph

Dont put Aman Natt in or Lord Aleem

Dont use any of Aman Natts or Lord Aleems advice

Lord Aleem said to use Lord Son Ma in the car he was driving

Dont use Lord Son Ma

Aman Natt presented Ryan a £30,000,000 cheque after winning it

I have agreed to sell my soul away to no longer be a mate or a battle brother or a brother

I dont want to be part of unconfusionu, undivided, or any unprefix words e.g unfair, undo


Dont do Saurryon

Saurryon told us that you need to study and use different prefixes and suffixes, he also saved Ryans life from going to jail from the Frodo (David) Grange gang

Since you dont want to use Saurryon knowledge you cant use prefixes and suffixes

Saurryon is an Angel and controls the Planetary Defence System against Tyranid threats

Saurrryon (Saurryon) is the Emperor of the Homo Sapiens